Sexual Wellness and HIV/STI Screenings & Free Condom Distribution
Niagara Pride offers the Know Your Status campaign. Through this program, individuals are able to find out where they can find providers throughout all eight counties of WNY offering HIV and STI testing as well as have access to condoms and other sexual wellness items free of charge.
Why STI not STD?
This site will now use the term sexually transmitted infection (STI) in place of sexually transmitted disease (STD). The word "disease" suggests noticeable medical problems, while many of the most common sexually transmitted infections have no signs or symptoms, or they are very mild. Even with no signs or symptoms, STIs can cause serious health problems, so it is still necessary to get tested and treated for STIs.
What are STIs?
There are more than 30 infections that are spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Some STIs can also be spread through blood, particularly among intravenous (IV) drug users who may be sharing drug equipment (needles, syringes, or "works"). In addition, pregnant people with STIs may pass the infection to infants in the uterus (womb), during birth, or through breast-feeding. Without treatment these infections can cause major health problems such as not being able to get pregnant (infertility), permanent brain damage, heart disease, cancer, and even death. If you think you have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection, you and your sex partner(s) should visit a health clinic, hospital, or doctor for testing and treatment.
Where can you get tested?
Use the NYS Provider Directory to find HIV testing, STI testing, PrEP and other servicers in your county. To access their interactive directory, click the link below:
Provider Directory Home Page - Provider Directory Application (aidsinstituteny.org)
Get Free Sexual Wellness Items:
As part of that program, Niagara Pride also has free condom and sexual wellness items available for distribution at their offices as well as delivery to your organization/agency.
Organizations or agencies wishing to have sexual wellness items delivered to them for distribution, please complete the form below.