Are you interesting is serving on the Board of Directors? Board positions are filled on a rotation system so there are opportunities that come up every year.
Niagara Pride seeks highly enthusiastic and motivated individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience who have a passion to work with the LGBTQ+ Community in Niagara County as well as in other parts of Western New York.
We are looking for Board Members with several years of experience in non-profit organizations, accounting, grant writing, public relations, non-profit law and legal compliance, marketing, and event planning.
Board Member Responsibilities:
Perform the functions necessary for the day-to-day operations of the organization
Plan, organize, and execute the delivery of Niagara Pride's community based events, programs, and fundraisers - up to 10 hours per month
Assist with fundraising efforts and work actively to secure adequate funding for the organization
Provide governance and leadership support
Attend Board Meetings as scheduled
Serve on a Committee (Finance, Programming, Grant, Etc.) - 4-5 hours per month
Perform administrative tasks as needed (fundraising, accounting, communication, grant writing, event planning, etc.) - up to 10 hours per month
Use knowledge and connections to further our mission
Communicate and serve as a trusted advisor to the Officers of this organization
Assist in identifying and recruiting new Board Members
Ensure effective organizational planning and monitor the effectiveness of programs and activities
Act as an ambassador for the organization and forge connections with key stakeholders
Board Member Qualifications:
Directors shall be the age of majority in New York State
Directors shall serve without compensation
Be willing to invest unpaid time and sweat equity in assisting Niagara Pride with carrying out events and programming, attend meetings, and solicit for donations. As there is no paid staff, Niagara Pride's Board functions as a working Board, carrying out all governance and day-to-day operations of the agency
Board members will not be expressly or implicitly asked or required to donate money, goods, or services to Niagara Pride, but rather for the good of the organization, will be required to assist with overall organizational fundraising endeavors and/or the organization, implementation, and execution of programming and events
Given the sensitive nature of the work conducted by Niagara Pride, Board Members cannot have felony convictions
Annually disclose any potential conflicts of interest with their employment, family, or other community involvement, which may interfere with the Board or the overall operation of Niagara Pride
The ideal candidate:
identifies as a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ Community
understands issues, challenges, and obstacles facing the LGBTQ+ Community
has experience working with individuals, families, youth, or seniors who identify as LGBTQ+
has experience working boards of non-profits
has knowledge or skills with administrative duties such as public relations, correspondence, organizing volunteers, social media development, non-profit bookkeeping/finances, grant writing, program implementation
serves on Niagara Pride's Board of Directors without remuneration or compensation
Desired skills and experience:
Event Planning and Management
Public Relations
Community Relationship Building
Community Service Program Development and Implementation
Application Submission
If interested in applying for a position on our Board of Directors please send us an email along with your resume to info@niagarapride.org!